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AI-Enhanced Digital Product Strategies

This is our sweet spot. As pioneers in eLearning, we've provided leadership to some of the biggest names in the business. Today, we're building on that experience to help EdTech companies develop and implement AI-driven product strategies that propel them toward market leadership.

With Cognizeo as your partner, you can harness the full potential of AI to elevate your position in the competitive EdTech landscape and deliver exceptional educational experiences that set your products apart. Let’s shape the future of education together!



Introductory Consultation

Our services start with an introductory consultation to help understand the present industry landscape, identify gaps and opportunities and provide you with an understanding of how we can play a part in helping you develop and achieve your goals. The consultation will highlight the types of services you will need now and in the future.


Strategic Planning

Whether you’re looking to refine your product offerings, or enhance your market entry strategy, Cognizeo's team will work with you to set goals and develop a strategic plan to achieve them.


We leverage insights gained from exploring clients' goals and challenges, determine business logic, and create a formalized plan to build an actionable, long-term roadmap. 


Industry Insights

Understanding the competitive landscape is crucial for success. At Cognizeo, we specialize in providing clients with in-depth industry insights that illuminate the current market trends, emerging technologies, and innovative practices shaping the future of education.


Our team of experts conducts comprehensive analyses of the digital education sector, helping you identify key players, assess market dynamics, and uncover opportunities for growth and market differentiation.


Discovery & Ideation

We'll help you identify a market need, conceptualize new products or product enhancements, and provide you with a detailed actionable product proposal that aligns with your business strategy and customer needs that you can take to your design phase.


Product Design

We work at the intersection of student-centered eLearning design, business strategy and imagination to help our clients craft learner experiences and products people love.


Whether you’re launching new learning products or enhancing existing offerings, Cognizeo’s product design services will help you create engaging, effective solutions that meet the needs of today’s learners and achieve your vision. 

Services include: 

  • User journey mapping

  • User interface design & usability

  • Product  strategy 

  • Research-based instructional design

  • Interaction design

  • Enhancing student engagement 

  • Prototyping

  • Rapid iteration


Curriculum Development

Cognizeo's curriculum team are education experts in learning science and instructional design who have designed and built over 1000 eLearning courses for companies such as Pearson, Kaplan, K12 Inc., FYI Online, Connections Academy, University of Miami, Abu Dhabi University,  Odysseyware, and more. Our broad experience in curriculum includes K12, Higher Ed and professional development programs. 


By integrating AI into our product development process, we enhance every aspect of course design—from personalized learning pathways that adapt to individual student needs to intelligent content delivery that engages learners more effectively


Let Cognizeo help you create innovative, AI-driven digital courses that not only meet the demands of today’s learners but also set your organization apart in the competitive landscape of digital education. 


One of the most important tools we create with our clients is the product roadmap —  a document that helps lay out the product vision for a period of time, typically 12 months. It's a guiding strategic document as well as a plan for executing the strategy. 


Our experts will guide your teams through the process or take the lead and provide you with a clear actionable product roadmap.

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Call us at 305-613-2792 or submit this form. 

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